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Colombia Rodrigo Sánchez

Colombia Rodrigo Sánchez

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About the Coffee
For the second year in a row we are roasting a sparkly new pink bourbon variety coffee from Rodrigo Sánchez of Finca Monteblanco. Last year's coffee was processed in Rodrigo's unique cold washed method, storing the fermenting coffee cherries in a cool room to help slow the fermentation process; this year we are roasting the fully washed version. Don't worry, it is just as remarkable – these are some of the cleanest, most unique tasting coffees we've ever roasted. The pink bourbon variety was derived from an Ethiopia Landrace variety, these coffee cherries ripen to a rosy pink/orangey color, which gives this unique variety its name.
Finca Monteblanco is a family-owned coffee farm located in the Huila Department of Colombia, and is run by Rodrigo Sanchez, a third-generation coffee producer. Currently at Monteblanco, Rodrigo grows many types of varieties of coffee including gesha, purple caturra, pacamara, as well as our pink bourbon. The microclimate at Finca Monteblanco has unique growing conditions and produces exceptional quality of these transported coffee genes, and Rodrigo's coffees are known worldwide for their quality. 

This lot of pink bourbon was processed as fully washed. This begins with a dry fermentation, which allows for the coffee seeds to loosen from the surrounding sticky mucilage. Next, the mucilage layer is washed off with clean water before being dried for a few days in a solar dryer. The cherries are then moved to raised patios to be re-sorted, and to continue to dry until they reach a precise moisture level. 

Coffee Profile

Region Huila
Elevation 1,730 m
Producer Rodrigo Sánchez
Variety Pink Bourbon
Processing Method Washed
Tasting Notes Ginger, Lemon, Hibiscus
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Frequently asked questions

Does your coffee contain nuts?

Nope, just coffee! No additional ingredients of any kind.

Is your coffee certified organic?

Our Walker's Point Roastery is MOSA certified. Look for the USDA logo to find our certified organic coffees or click the 'organic' tab in the shop menu.

How is your coffee roasted?

Our coffee is roasted on two S35 Kestrel Loring Smart Roasters. Up to 80% fuel-savings and reduction of greenhouse gases in every roast, compared to conventional roasters.