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El Salvador Loma La Gloria

El Salvador Loma La Gloria

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El Salvador Loma La Gloria Red Honey
Anny Ruth Pimental is the owner and coffee producer of Finca La Gloria, a coffee farm and mill located in the El Boquerón crater of the San Salvador Volcano. A hilly and tropical place that lies in the southwestern part of El Salvador. Anny's father purchased the farm in the late 1990's, but due to a coffee crisis in the country the mill was left abandoned and unused! Fast forward to 2012, Anny Ruth embarked on a dream to grow her own coffee and to get the mill up and running. 12 years later and Anny's coffees are known worldwide for their quality, especially well known are their honey and natural processed coffees which they take painstaking care in producing.

About the Coffee
The coffee we are offering this year is a red honey processed coffee, a method where the coffee is dried with a lot of the sticky coffee cherry insides (the mucilage) still intact on the seeds. These coffees are dried in the sun and end up producing a sweet and juicy cup. 
Coffee Profile
Region El Bálsamo Quetzaltepec
Elevation 1,400 – 1,700
Producer Anny Ruth Pimentel
Variety Red Bourbon
Processing Method Red Honey
Tasting Notes Toffee, Green Apple, Orange Zest
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Frequently asked questions

Does your coffee contain nuts?

Nope, just coffee! No additional ingredients of any kind.

Is your coffee certified organic?

Our Walker's Point Roastery is MOSA certified. Look for the USDA logo to find our certified organic coffees or click the 'organic' tab in the shop menu.

How is your coffee roasted?

Our coffee is roasted on two S35 Kestrel Loring Smart Roasters. Up to 80% fuel-savings and reduction of greenhouse gases in every roast, compared to conventional roasters.