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Ethiopia Limu

Ethiopia Limu

Regular price $20.00
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About the Coffee
Like Yirgacheffee, the Limu area is very well known for coffee production, and this coffee is very similar in flavor profile to the washed Ethiopian coffees we've recently roasted. The coffee itself was grown on the farm of Musa Abalulesa, a coffee grower that uses organic methods on his farm, as well as cultivates avocados and keeps honeybees to help diversify his income. 

This is a grade 1 fully washed organic coffee. Grade 1 refers to some of the highest quality in an Ethiopian coffee. This means the coffee was meticulously sorted, ensuring no defects and signaling complexity in the cup. The coffee is fully washed, meaning the fruit and mucilage are washed off before drying, resulting in clean floral and tea like notes.

Coffee Profile

Region Limu
Elevation 2,100 m
Producer Musa Abalulesa
Variety 74110, 74165
Processing Method Washed
Tasting Notes Milk Chocolate, Apricot, Jasmine
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Frequently asked questions

Does your coffee contain nuts?

Nope, just coffee! No additional ingredients of any kind.

Is your coffee certified organic?

Our Walker's Point Roastery is MOSA certified. Look for the USDA logo to find our certified organic coffees or click the 'organic' tab in the shop menu.

How is your coffee roasted?

Our coffee is roasted on two S35 Kestrel Loring Smart Roasters. Up to 80% fuel-savings and reduction of greenhouse gases in every roast, compared to conventional roasters.