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Honduras Marcala

Honduras Marcala

Regular price $18.00
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About the Coffee
This fully washed coffee comes from the COMSA cooperative located in the Marcala region of Honduras. We've purchased all types of coffees from COMSA over the years including honey process and naturals, but this brand new arrival is a fully washed and organic certified offering. COMSA, which stands for Cafe Organico Marcala S.A, is a sustainable and expertly run cooperative. This group also has an experimental farm on the property called La Fortaleza, which they use to teach about soil health and training for the members in the cooperative. COMSA is very focused on organic farming practices, organic agriculture, and also promoting sustainable development of their community. With over 1,200 members, this cooperative can produce some real volume! 

Coffee Profile

Region Marcala
Elevation 1,300 – 1,500
Producer COMSA
Variety Catuai, Caturra, Lempira
Processing Method Washed
Tasting Notes Caramel, Milk Chocolate, Honey
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Frequently asked questions

Does your coffee contain nuts?

Nope, just coffee! No additional ingredients of any kind.

Is your coffee certified organic?

Our Walker's Point Roastery is MOSA certified. Look for the USDA logo to find our certified organic coffees or click the 'organic' tab in the shop menu.

How is your coffee roasted?

Our coffee is roasted on two S35 Kestrel Loring Smart Roasters. Up to 80% fuel-savings and reduction of greenhouse gases in every roast, compared to conventional roasters.